Developing Effective Paraeducators: Best Practices for Training

Paraeducators have long been on the front lines in schools and districts across the country, managing difficult learning and behavioral issues, often with limited resources. Staffing shortages and challenging student behavior are reported as being the biggest problems facing paraeducators today. With these current pressures in mind, it’s critical that paras receive targeted training to … Read more

Investing in Your Paraprofessionals: Innovative Strategies to Support and Retain Your Staff

Paraprofessionals are on the front lines every day, supporting student learning, managing challenging behavior, and collaborating with their partner teachers to support all students. Educational leaders are acutely aware of how essential they are to ensuring schools and districts run effectively, yet paraprofessionals don’t always feel recognized and valued. Stress-related burnout, behavior management fatigue, and … Read more

Sneak Peek: Building Effective Para-Teacher Partnerships

As behavior challenges continue to rise in schools, it is crucial that we have effective paraeducators in our classrooms. In order for paraeducators to be most effective, they need clear expectations, regular communication, and strong leadership and coaching from teachers. 321 Insight’s newest series, “Building Effective Teacher-Paraeducator Partnerships”, is designed to help teachers and administrators … Read more

Challenging Behaviors: Why They Happen And How To Address Them Effectively

Over the summer, educators and administrators extensively planned for most of the nation’s students to return to in-person instruction this fall. They prepared for the significant challenges they expected to face, from learning loss to behavior issues that were likely to intensify as students transitioned back to in-school learning and reacclimated to the structures and … Read more

Navigating the Behavior Spike with Trauma-Informed Leadership

We are seeing a massive spike in behavior, anxiety, depression as people try to navigate the expectations of returning to school. The impacts of the past 18+ months of a global pandemic, stressful societal conditions, increased reliance on technology and screens, and the loss of routines has resulted in stress and dysregulation amongst staff and … Read more