PD Topic of the Month: Developing Teacher-Para Partnerships

Strong teacher-para partnerships are essential to ensuring a learning environment that gives all students their best chance to succeed. This brief webinar will focus on actionable strategies educators can implement to build and sustain strong, effective educator teams. Watch this 15-minute webinar to learn how to help educators clarify their roles and responsibilities in the … Read more

PD Topic of the Month: Educator Wellness: Taking Care of YOU!

In these challenging times, your students need you more than ever.  But you can’t be there for them unless you first take care of YOU!  Tune into this session to learn five strategies to help you stay regulated, manage stress, and stay balanced, so you can continue the important work of being there for your … Read more

PD Topic of the Month: How to Help Students Build Resilience

Fostering resilience is crucial as students develop independence and efficient problem-solving skills. Resilience also helps them to build and maintain relationships, and overcome some of the negative impacts of trauma. Educators play a key role in resilience-building  in students. Watch this 15-minute webinar to: Develop a deeper understanding of what resilience is Identify three characteristics … Read more

Get Ahead of Challenging Behavior: Five Approaches to Paraeducator Training

Paraeducators have long been on the front lines in schools and districts across the country, managing difficult learning and behavioral issues, often with limited resources. Staffing shortages and challenging student behavior are reported as being the biggest problems facing  schools today. With these current pressures in mind, it’s critical that paraeducators receive targeted training to … Read more

Office Hours: Live Q&A Session

Recorded on April 20th, our co-founder and resident expert Dr. Skip Greenwood shared actionable advice and answers to registrant-submitted questions based on decades of experience in clinical psychology and K-12 education.

Office Hours: Live Q&A Session

Join us this March 23rd, when we’ll be answering YOUR questions around challenging student behavior. This month, our co-founder and resident expert Dr. Will Henson will be providing actionable advice and answers to your questions based on decades of experience in clinical psychology and K-12 education. Submit your questions when you register, and feel free … Read more

Office Hours: Live Q&A Session

For many educators, 2023 started off with A LOT of student behavioral issues. With these challenges in mind, there’s no time like the present to kick off our monthly, live series of Q&A sessions with the experts that we like to call “Office Hours.” Beginning on Jan 26th, we’ll be answering YOUR behavior-related questions every … Read more