What Makes an Effective Paraprofessional?

Paraprofessionals support students with the most challenging behaviors, yet they often receive little or no training in best-practice behavior strategies. Use this guide to assess the needs of your paraprofessionals and develop an effective approach to set them up for success.

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What Makes an Effective Paraprofessional?

Paraprofessionals play a vital role in supporting students with challenging behaviors, yet they often receive little guidance on effective behavior management. This free ebook provides a comprehensive approach to assessing and enhancing paraprofessional training, helping them develop the skills to thrive.

Why Download This Ebook?

  • Key Competencies: Learn the essential skills paraprofessionals need, including behavior management, trauma awareness, and emotional wellness.
  • Effective Teacher Partnerships: Discover strategies to build strong, collaborative relationships between teachers and paraprofessionals, enhancing classroom support.
  • Skill Development Focus: Access practical methods for proactive behavior strategies, self-regulation techniques, and best practices for maintaining a positive, trauma-informed mindset.

Equip your paraprofessionals with the knowledge they need to make a difference. Fill out the form, and we’ll send you a downloadable version of this essential ebook to start building effective, well-supported paraprofessional teams.

Download "What Makes an Effective Paraprofessional?" E-Book

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